We're excited to announce that we've overhauled our Pipedrive integration. As one of our most popular apps, we wanted to make it easy for Pipedrive users to connect it to the thousands of other apps on Zapier.
Here's a look at what's changed—and what it means for you if you use Pipedrive.
One of the biggest changes is that you will now use OAuth to authenticate your Pipedrive account. You will no longer need to provide an API key. This change makes it much more straightforward to create Zaps involving Pipedrive—and more secure.
In this update, we've made some major changes to deal-related features. Now, Zapier will return human-readable text for custom fields in Pipedrive. Previously, we could only return numeric IDs, which made it harder to determine which field was which.
As part of this Pipedrive update, we've changed the New Deal, Updated Deal and Updated Deal State triggers to Instant triggers that use webhooks. This change means you can now run workflows much more quickly and reduce API calls.
These triggers used to be polling triggers, which meant Zapier periodically checked for new data from the trigger app in order to start your workflow. The polling interval (also called the polling speed or polling time) is how often the trigger looked for new data. This interval varied depending on your subscription plan and could be as often as every minute or as infrequently as every 15 minutes.
Now that these are instant triggers, however, Pipedrive will let Zapier know whenever there's new data. Zaps with Instant triggers are labelled Instant on your dashboard. (Need more info? Read more about the difference between instant triggers and polling triggers.)
We wanted to make searches more flexible and dynamic. With this update, you can now search by specific fields and filter for exact matches in Zaps that search Pipedrive for a user, deal, organization, or person
Users who build Pipedrive Zaps often have to do things in line item format, like creating an invoice in their accounting app with multiple items. Our new Find Product(s) search allows you to build Zaps that find multiple Pipedrive products in one search and enter them into your accounting or invoicing app on a single order. Want more information on how line items work? Read all about them.