Introducing a Free Trial of Zapier for Teams
A year ago we introduced Zapier for Teams to help you collaborate with your team and get more done, together. So today we’re thrilled to announce that we opened up a 14-day free trial to let you try Zapier for Teams for free.
Teams lets you and your team members centralize all your workflows in a single account. You can now easily share your Zaps, access workflows your teammates built and automate your processes better, together.
Do you think your teammates can benefit from the Zaps you built? Do you know other people from your team using Zapier?
You're Stronger Together
Give your team a safe and secure way to share and collaborate on Zaps. With Teams, you can organize your Zaps in shared folders, where any teammate can add or update workflows.
For example, having one folder per department helps you organize your team’s workflows and easily access the processes your teams automated. You can also share the apps you connect to Zapier, so other team members can use those tools in their Zaps without asking for login credentials.
With all your team's information centralized in one place, you can automate any processes your business needs.
Share your Automation Knowledge Across your Company
“With Zapier for teams, we surprise each other with the next cool thing we can do in Zapier. We can now automate things we thought we'd definitely need a dev to do.”
Bill Miksich, Director of Demand Generation—
Sharing is caring. When you share your Zaps with your team, you learn from each other and help everyone improve the way they work.
In your team account, you decide if you want to share a Zap or not. You can keep some Zaps private in your Private Folders and share the others in your Team Shared Folders.
You can easily see who built a Zap and copy it to your account if you want to customize it. This way you share your best automation tips with your team.
Ensure Business Continuity
Have you ever experienced that feeling when a teammate is on vacation or leaves your company, and you can’t recover the work they were doing?
With a team account, you keep all your team's Zaps in one place. So if a Zap needs changes during a team member's vacation, no problem—you can easily access it and make the changes you need without interrupting their holiday!
With Zapier for Teams, you ensure your business continuity in one shared and collaborative account.
Free Up your Team Time to Focus on High-level Work
“The time and financial savings, plus the growth that Zapier has helped fuel, gives us time to focus on expanding and training our team. We have more people working on more projects and getting more results.“
We all lose time working on manual, repetitive tasks. Zapier's mission is to help you do better work by taking care of these repetitive tasks.
Open up our productivity calculator, and check out how many minutes you've already saved with Zapier. Now imagine everyone in your team saving the same amount of time—wouldn’t it make your team more efficient?
Interested in learning more about Zapier for Teams? Here are some handy resources to check out:
- Zapier for Teams: Visit our teams landing page for more details.
- Help Docs & FAQ: Read our help documentation for help getting started and answers to common questions on Zapier for Teams.