New App: Shorten, Measure, and Optimize Your Links with Bitly
Successful marketing campaigns require strong messaging to captivate interest, reporting tools to analyze results, and a clear call to action that brings customers to your site.
With Bitly, you can keep your links short and clean to avoid distracting from campaign messaging while still providing a branded pathway to your site. By creating custom short links called Bitlinks, you can drive traffic through social media, SMS, email, and more without using up valuable character counts or clouding the overall message. Bitly also provides built-in analytics tools so you can measure the success of your marketing campaigns. That way, you can find out what works best and continue optimizing your outreach efforts.
Zapier connects Bitly to over 750 apps, allowing you to create, track, and distribute Bitlinks using any of your favorite tools. You can automatically generate Bitlink campaigns for new posts on social media, track Bitlinks on shared spreadsheets, or plug newly-created Bitlinks into your ongoing outreach. Bring the power of links to your workflows with Zapier and Bitly.
How Bitly Works with Zapier
- New Campaign: Triggers when a new campaign is created in your Bitly account. Only available for Bitly enterprise users.
- New Referring URL: Triggers when a new referring URL appears in your link's click history.
- New Bitlink: Triggers when you create a new Bitlink.
- New Referring Domain: Triggers when a new referring domain appears in your link's click history.
- Create Bitlink: Saves a Bitlink to your user history in Bitly. Returns a shortened URL.
- Add Bitlink to Campaign: Adds a Bitlink to an existing campaign. Only available for Bitly enterprise users.
- Create Campaign: Creates a campaign in your Bitly account. Only available for Bitly enterprise users.
Automation Inspiration
Get started with these sample Zaps:
Share Bitlinks the Moment They're Created
Generate Bitlinks from Activity in Other Apps
How To Automate Bitly with Zapier
Sign up for a Bitly account, and make sure you have a Zapier account
Try some pre-made Bitly integrations and learn more about how Bitly works with Zapier
Check out our Bitly help documentation for details on connecting your account and setting up your first Zap
Or login and build a custom workflow with Bitly and Zapier