
iContact + Webbula

Verify email addresses of new iContact contacts in lists with Webbula's Email Hygiene

Whenever a new contact is added to an iContact list, this Zap triggers Webbula to automatically validate their email. Keep your contact details updated and accurate, with no added clicks or keystrokes.

Whenever a new contact is added to an iContact list, this Zap triggers Webbula to automatically validate their email. Keep your contact details updated and accurate, with no added clicks or keystrokes.

  1. When this happens...
    New Contact in List

    Triggers when a contact is created in the given list.

  2. automatically do this!
    Hygiene Email

    Conduct the Webbula Email Hygiene process on a single email address.

Start free with email
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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • ListRequired

    Try It
  • iContact triggers, actions, and search

    Contact Unsubscribed

    Triggers when a contact unsubscribes.

    Try It
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About iContact

iContact is an easy-to-use email marketing platform that will help you start growing your business and stay connected with your customers.

Related categories

  • Email Newsletters
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About Webbula

Webbula’s email and lead hygiene solutions protect your sender reputation by identifying threats and stopping hard bounces before you send.

Related categories