
Zapier Webinar Code of Conduct

Last Updated: March 21, 2023

This Zapier Webinar Code of Conduct applies to all who register, attend, post, and engage in Zapier webinars. By participating in Zapier webinars, you have read and accepted this Code of Conduct, which may be updated from time to time.

Support each other: We're here to help each other get better. Provide words of encouragement, suggest solutions to existing questions, and maintain a positive attitude regardless of whether someone’s experience is the same or different from your own. Attempt collaboration, instead of conflict.

Provide feedback [in the right place]: The chat and Q&A are a space for collaboration between attendees. Do provide feedback in the post-event survey instead. This helps us stay on topic and maintain a space that fosters clear communication.

Learning together: Do not spam sales pitches or send unsolicited DMs. We're here on a journey of learning and to connect with fellow automators.

Respect each other: Don't use hurtful, harmful, hostile, exclusionary, harassing, threatening, or illegal content or language. The behaviors outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy extend to the event community. Also, don’t impersonate Zapier staff members, speakers/presenters, or anyone else. Offenders will be quickly removed.

Journey together: Do use the public chat and Q&A feature as a provided means of communication for the topic of discussion. This is an event community dedicated to growing as automators and sharing new ideas. Please stay on topic and help maintain a space that fosters clear communication.

Be mindful of what you share: Do not request or share personally identifiable information within any public space. All Zapier billing matters are strictly handled through the Zapier Support team only.

Respect intellectual property: Give credit when referring to other people’s work, and do not distribute conversation screenshots or session recordings outside of the event without permission.


Violations will be handled on a case-by-case basis and may result in removal from the webinar and up to a full ban from further participation in all Zapier events with or without warning.