Tokeet Integrations
Do more with Tokeet integrations
Zapier lets you connect Tokeet with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
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New Guest
Triggers when a new guest is created.
Try ItNew Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is created.
Try ItExternal Inquiry ID
Rental IDRequired
Tokeet Guest ID (required only if Guest Name and Email are not provided)
Guest Name (required only if Tokeet Guest ID is not provided)
Guest Email (required only if Tokeet Guest ID is not provided)
Guest Phone (applicable only if Tokeet Guest ID is not provided)
Is Confirmed?
Is Paid?
Check-in DateRequired
Check-out DateRequired
Adult NumberRequired
Children Number
Base CostRequired
Extra Guests Cost
Fee Name
Fee Amount
Tax Name
Tax Amount
Inquiry Source