mallabe Images Integrations
Do more with mallabe Images integrations
Zapier lets you connect mallabe Images with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
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Image Resized
Triggers when an image resized event occurred.
Try ItImage URL
Image in Base64 format
Specify File Name
Specify File Extension
Webhook URL (Advanced)
Image URL
Image in Base64 format
Vertical Flip
Horizontal Flip
Webhook URL (Advanced)
Image URLRequired
Webhook URL (Advanced)
Image URL
Image in Base64 format
Blur ValueRequired
Webhook URL (Advanced)
Image URL
Image in Base64 format
Crop Width
Crop Height
Left (X Axis)
Top (Y Axis)
Webhook URL (Advanced)
Image URL
Image in Base64 format
Webhook URL (Advanced)
First Image URLRequired
Second Image UrlRequired
Images AlignmentRequired
Background Color
Webhook URL (Advanced)