CustomGPT Integrations
Do more with CustomGPT integrations
Zapier lets you connect CustomGPT with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.
- Free forever for core features
- 14 day trial for premium features & apps
Or pick an app to pair with
AI Tools, Artificial IntelligenceGoogle Sheets
Google, SpreadsheetsGoogle Drive
File Management & Storage, GoogleGoogle Docs
Documents, GoogleOpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper)
AI Tools, Artificial Intelligence, Developer ToolsNotion
Task ManagementChatGPT
AI Tools, Artificial IntelligenceGoogle Sheets
Google, SpreadsheetsGoogle Drive
File Management & Storage, GoogleGoogle Docs
Documents, GoogleOpenAI (GPT-4, DALL-E, Whisper)
AI Tools, Artificial Intelligence, Developer ToolsNotion
Task ManagementJoin millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier
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Project Name
Project is shared
Project NameRequired
Conversation Name
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Project NameRequired
Conversation NameRequired
Message TextRequired
External ID
Project NameRequired
The chat bot avatar
The background image for widget
Default prompt
Questions shown to guide the bot users
Response source
Chat bot message language
Color of the chatbot in hex format
Persona instructions
Label for citations
Label for sources
Waiting answer message
"Siesta" message
Show animated loading indicatorRequired
Show citationsRequired
How citations are shownRequired
"No answer" message
Ending message
Remove brandingRequired
Chat bot GPT model