Limo Anywhere + Salesforce

Create Salesforce leads from new Limo Anywhere quote requests

Need a way to track new quote requests all the way through your sales pipeline? This Zapier automation is just the ticket. After you set it up, whenever a customer requests a quote for Limo Anywhere, Zapier will automatically create a lead in Salesforce. That way, you can have all your sales contacts right where you need them with no extra effort on your part.

Need a way to track new quote requests all the way through your sales pipeline? This Zapier automation is just the ticket. After you set it up, whenever a customer requests a quote for Limo Anywhere, Zapier will automatically create a lead in Salesforce. That way, you can have all your sales contacts right where you need them with no extra effort on your part.

  1. When this happens...
    Limo AnywhereLimo Anywhere
    New Quote Request

    Triggers when a new quote request is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Record

    Creates a new record of a specified Salesforce object.

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Supported triggers and actions

  • Limo Anywhere triggers, actions, and search

    New Account

    Triggers when a new customer account is created.

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  • Limo Anywhere triggers, actions, and search

    New Paid Bill

    Triggers when a paid bill is created. Works for Affiliate and Agent bills.

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  • Limo Anywhere triggers, actions, and search

    New Payment

    Triggers when a new payment is recorded.

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  • Limo Anywhere triggers, actions, and search

    New Reservation

    Triggers when a new reservation is created.

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