Flexmail + Teamleader Focus

Create or update Flexmail contacts from new paid invoices in Teamleader Focus

This Zapier template automatically creates or updates a Flexmail contact whenever a new invoice is marked as paid in Teamleader Focus. This way, you can keep your email marketing lists up-to-date with the latest invoice status of your contacts without any manual effort. Additionally, it will allow you to create targeted email campaigns based on the invoice status of your contacts, such as sending a payment receipt or follow up email when an invoice is paid.

This Zapier template automatically creates or updates a Flexmail contact whenever a new invoice is marked as paid in Teamleader Focus. This way, you can keep your email marketing lists up-to-date with the latest invoice status of your contacts without any manual effort. Additionally, it will allow you to create targeted email campaigns based on the invoice status of your contacts, such as sending a payment receipt or follow up email when an invoice is paid.

  1. When this happens...
    Teamleader FocusTeamleader Focus
    Invoice Paid

    Triggers when an invoice is paid.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create or Update Contact

    Creates or updates a contact

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Supported triggers and actions

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About Flexmail

Use Flexmail to keep in touch with subscribers, leads and customers through email marketing. Send better emails through data, powerful targeting and automation.

Related categories

  • Email Newsletters
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About Teamleader Focus

Teamleader Focus incorporates CRM, project management and invoicing into one simple and intelligent tool that helps businesses work smarter.