How to connect Cliengo + Microsoft Excel + Gmail
Zapier lets you send info between Cliengo and Microsoft Excel and Gmail automatically—no code required. With 7,000+ supported apps, the possibilities are endless.
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Do even more with Cliengo + Microsoft Excel + Gmail
With Zapier, you can do more than just connect your apps - you can automate entire processes from beginning to end! Check out the following list of triggers and actions you can use with Cliengo, Microsoft Excel, and Gmail. And don’t forget that you can add more apps and actions to create complex workflows.
Nombre del lead si es vacio / Lead name if empty
Tiempo de espera de nuevos contactos (min) / Delay time for new contacts (min)
Email con el teléfono si es Vacio / Email with phone if empty
Try ItNombre / First NameRequired
Apellido / Last Name
Correo Electronico / EmailRequired
Teléfono / Phone
Teléfono Internacionl / International Phone
Identificación Nacional / National Indentity
Edad / Age
Estado / Status
Mensaje / Message
Nacionalidad / Nationality
Nombre de Empresa / Company Name
URL de Referencia / Referal URL
Referido / Referer
Landing URL
UTM Source
UTM Medium
UTM Campaign
UTM Content
UTM Term
UTM Adgroup
Google Click Identifier
Dirección IP / IP Direction
Campos Personalizados / Custom Params
Plan Restrictions
Storage Source
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Nombre del lead si es vacio / Lead name if empty
Tiempo de espera de nuevos contactos (min) / Delay time for new contacts (min)
Email con el teléfono si es Vacio / Email with phone if empty
Try ItID Required
Nombre / Name
Correo Electronico / Email
Teléfono / Phone
Calificación / Rating
Estado / Status
Plan Restrictions
Storage Source
Try It