Gmail + Kintone

Create Kintone records from Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

Looking for a way to supply Kintone with information from your emails? Set up this Zap and we can track everything that hits your inbox or only a specific label on Gmail. It then will trigger with every new email that arrives according to your options, adding the information as a new record on Kintone automatically and reliably.

Looking for a way to supply Kintone with information from your emails? Set up this Zap and we can track everything that hits your inbox or only a specific label on Gmail. It then will trigger with every new email that arrives according to your options, adding the information as a new record on Kintone automatically and reliably.

  1. When this happens...
    New Email

    Triggers when a new email appears in the specified mailbox.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Record

    Creates a new record.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

    • Label or mailbox

    • Search keywords

    Try It
    • Label or mailboxRequired

    Try It
    • Search keywordsRequired

    Try It
    • Label/Mailbox

    Try It
gmail logo
gmail logo

About Gmail

One of the most popular email services, Gmail keeps track of all your emails with threaded conversations, tags, and Google-powered search to find any message you need.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Email
  • Google

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