Integrate Google Ads with Salesforce to automate your work
How Zapier works
Zapier makes it easy to integrate Google Ads with Salesforce - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.
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6 mins
The average user takes less than 6 minutes to set up a Zap
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Frequently Asked Questions about Google Ads + Salesforce integrations
New to automation with Zapier? You're not alone. Here are some answers to common questions about how Zapier works with Google Ads and Salesforce
What are the prerequisites for integrating Google Ads with Salesforce?
Before you start the integration between Google Ads and Salesforce, ensure that you have administrative access to both platforms. Additionally, you'll need to have existing campaigns and conversion tracking set up in Google Ads, as well as leads or opportunities operational within Salesforce. Ensure that your Salesforce API is enabled since our integration depends on it to trigger actions from Google Ads data.
How do triggers and actions work in the integration process?
Triggers are events that kickstart the integration workflow between Google Ads and Salesforce. For instance, an 'Ad Click' can be set as a trigger in Google Ads. Once this event occurs, it can prompt actions such as creating a new lead in Salesforce. Similarly, updating conversion success in Salesforce can trigger an action to update lead status back in Google Ads.
Can I customize which data fields are synchronized between Google Ads and Salesforce?
Yes, during our integration setup, you can specify which data fields should be mapped and synchronized between the two platforms. This ensures that only relevant information – like ad performance metrics or contact information – is transferred based on the triggers and actions you've defined.
What types of data updates occur automatically after initial setup?
Once the integration is established with predefined triggers and actions, updates like lead generation from ad clicks or conversion status changes occur automatically. You won't need to perform manual updates for these processes as they happen seamlessly through our platform.
Are there specific tools needed for monitoring the integrated system?
While our platform manages the core integration processes using defined triggers and actions, it's advisable to utilize reporting tools within both Google Ads and Salesforce for comprehensive monitoring of ad performance metrics and lead statuses.
How do I handle discrepancies in data between Google Ads and Salesforce?
In case of discrepancies after setting up your triggers and actions properly, we recommend verifying your field mappings first. Check if your zap appropriately aligns each action with its corresponding data field from each platform. If discrepancies persist, consult with our support team who can assist with detailed troubleshooting steps.
Can I pause or modify existing integrations without starting over?
Yes, you can easily pause any ongoing integrations via your dashboard without losing existing configurations. Should adjustments be required—like altering a trigger condition or an action step—you can modify these components directly within your settings without having to initiate a fresh setup.
Connect Google Ads and Salesforce to unlock the power of automation
With Zapier's 7,000 integrations, you can unify your tools within a connected system to improve your team's efficiency and deepen their impact.
Supported triggers and actions
Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.
- New Campaign
Triggers whenever a new campaign is created in Google Ads.
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- Managed Account
- Customer ListRequired
- EmailRequired
- Message
- NameRequired
- Description
- Message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Customer ListRequired
- Customer_identifierRequired
- Message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Lead FormRequired
Try It- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Customer ListRequired
- Customer_identifierRequired
- Message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- ResourceRequired
- Dates to IncludeRequired
- Limit
- Double_opt_message
- MainAccountIdRequired
- Managed Account
- Multiple_identifier_note
- Conversion User Identifier SourceRequired
- NameRequired
- TimestampRequired
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