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Contractor Foreman + Jotform

Create Jotform submissions from new Contractor Foreman leads effortlessly

With this workflow, whenever you add a fresh lead into Contractor Foreman, the same lead gets instantly generated in Jotform. This automation ensures that all your key details are effectively relayed and your lead management process streamlined. By having a consistent and up-to-date data, more time can be spent on turning the leads into successful contracts.

With this workflow, whenever you add a fresh lead into Contractor Foreman, the same lead gets instantly generated in Jotform. This automation ensures that all your key details are effectively relayed and your lead management process streamlined. By having a consistent and up-to-date data, more time can be spent on turning the leads into successful contracts.

  1. When this happens...
    Contractor ForemanContractor Foreman
    Lead Created

    Triggers when a new lead is created.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Submission

    Generate a new submission for your form

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Supported triggers and actions

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About Contractor Foreman

Contractor Foreman is an all-in-one construction management software for contractors and is trusted by contractors in more than 75 countries.

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About Jotform

The newly redesigned Jotform lets you build forms faster than ever, with powerful widgets and a responsive editor that works offline—without even needing to sign up for an account.

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