Kanban Tool Integrations

Project Management

Do more with Kanban Tool integrations

Zapier lets you connect Kanban Tool with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Kanban Tool logo
Or pick an app to pair witharrow pointing down
Integrate Gmail with Kanban ToolIntegrate Gmail with Kanban Tool


Email, Google
Integrate Discord with Kanban ToolIntegrate Discord with Kanban Tool


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft To Do with Kanban ToolIntegrate Microsoft To Do with Kanban Tool

Microsoft To Do

Microsoft, Task Management
Integrate Salesforce with Kanban ToolIntegrate Salesforce with Kanban Tool


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Google Tasks with Kanban ToolIntegrate Google Tasks with Kanban Tool

Google Tasks

Google, Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with Kanban ToolIntegrate Google Calendar with Kanban Tool

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate GymMaster with Kanban ToolIntegrate GymMaster with Kanban Tool


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Todoist with Kanban ToolIntegrate Todoist with Kanban Tool


Task Management
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with Kanban ToolIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with Kanban Tool

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft
Integrate Gmail with Kanban ToolIntegrate Gmail with Kanban Tool


Email, Google
Integrate Discord with Kanban ToolIntegrate Discord with Kanban Tool


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft To Do with Kanban ToolIntegrate Microsoft To Do with Kanban Tool

Microsoft To Do

Microsoft, Task Management
Integrate Salesforce with Kanban ToolIntegrate Salesforce with Kanban Tool


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Google Tasks with Kanban ToolIntegrate Google Tasks with Kanban Tool

Google Tasks

Google, Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with Kanban ToolIntegrate Google Calendar with Kanban Tool

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate Gmail with Kanban ToolIntegrate Gmail with Kanban Tool


Email, Google
Integrate Discord with Kanban ToolIntegrate Discord with Kanban Tool


Team Chat
Integrate Microsoft To Do with Kanban ToolIntegrate Microsoft To Do with Kanban Tool

Microsoft To Do

Microsoft, Task Management
Integrate Salesforce with Kanban ToolIntegrate Salesforce with Kanban Tool


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Google Tasks with Kanban ToolIntegrate Google Tasks with Kanban Tool

Google Tasks

Google, Task Management
Integrate Google Calendar with Kanban ToolIntegrate Google Calendar with Kanban Tool

Google Calendar

Calendar, Google
Integrate GymMaster with Kanban ToolIntegrate GymMaster with Kanban Tool


CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Integrate Todoist with Kanban ToolIntegrate Todoist with Kanban Tool


Task Management
Integrate Microsoft Outlook with Kanban ToolIntegrate Microsoft Outlook with Kanban Tool

Microsoft Outlook

Calendar, Email, Microsoft

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

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Quickly automate Kanban Tool integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create new Kanban Tool tasks for events about to start on Google Calendar

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • Kanban Tool logo
    Google Calendar + Kanban Tool
  • Create Kanbantool tasks for new Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

    Try it
    • Gmail logo
    • Kanban Tool logo
    Gmail + Kanban Tool
  • Create new Kanban Tool tasks for new Google Tasks

    Try it
    • Google Tasks logo
    • Kanban Tool logo
    Google Tasks + Kanban Tool
  • Create tasks in Kanban Tool for new Microsoft To Do tasks

    Try it
    • Microsoft To Do logo
    • Kanban Tool logo
    Microsoft To Do + Kanban Tool
  • Create new Microsoft Excel rows for new Kanban Tool card types

    Try it
    • Kanban Tool logo
    • Microsoft Excel logo
    Kanban Tool + Microsoft Excel
  • Create tasks in Kanban Tool for new or updated Google Calendar events

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • Kanban Tool logo
    Google Calendar + Kanban Tool

Create new Kanban Tool tasks for events about to start on Google Calendar

Try it
  • Google Calendar logo
  • Kanban Tool logo
Google Calendar + Kanban Tool

Create Kanbantool tasks for new Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

  • Gmail logo
  • Kanban Tool logo
Gmail + Kanban Tool

Create new Kanban Tool tasks for new Google Tasks

  • Google Tasks logo
  • Kanban Tool logo
Google Tasks + Kanban Tool

Create tasks in Kanban Tool for new Microsoft To Do tasks

  • Microsoft To Do logo
  • Kanban Tool logo
Microsoft To Do + Kanban Tool

Create new Microsoft Excel rows for new Kanban Tool card types

  • Kanban Tool logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Kanban Tool + Microsoft Excel

Create tasks in Kanban Tool for new or updated Google Calendar events

  • Google Calendar logo
  • Kanban Tool logo
Google Calendar + Kanban Tool

Supported triggers and actions

kanbantool logo
kanbantool logo

About Kanban Tool

Kanban Tool is a smart visual project management application with real-time collaboration that allows teams to get work done faster. Kanban Tool helps companies visualize workflow, analyze and improve business processes and reduce waste.

Related categories

  • Project Management

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