Jane Doe
Qualify my new leads.
Lead Enrichment Agent
Sure! I'll research each lead and add key details.
Running action...
Update Contact
Lead Enrichment Agent
This agent researches new leads and enriches them with key details.
Select a template category
Jane Doe
Qualify my new leads.
Lead Enrichment Agent
Sure! I'll research each lead and add key details.
Running action...
Update Contact
This agent researches new leads and enriches them with key details.
Jane Doe
Draft an email using the LinkedIn profile I am currently viewing.
Outreach Agent
Sure! I'll create that draft.
Running action...
Create Draft
This agent scrapes LinkedIn profiles to write personalized sales emails that perform.
Jane Doe
Generate outreach emails using leads from the spreadsheet I added.
Sales Email Creator
Sure! I'll generate outreach emails for each of those leads.
Running behavior...
Lead Outreach Email Automation
This agent creates personalized sales emails by reading lead data from spreadsheets.
Lead Background Research
A new email has come in. I will run the appropriate behavior.
Running behavior...
Smart Company Insights & Suggestions
Lead Background Research
Running action...
Create Draft
This agent researches your new users or sales leads and drafts personalized greetings
Jane Doe
Lookup https://www.linkedin.com/company/zapier.
LinkedIn Company Analyzer
Sure! I'll lookup that company on LinkedIn and extract key information.
Running tool...
Looking up https://www.linkedin.com/company/zapier
This agent extracts key information from any company's public LinkedIn page.
Jane Doe
Generate a sales email for https://zapier.com/.
Automated Sales Lead Emails
Sure! I'll lookup that company and generate a sales email.
Running tool...
Looking up https://zapier.com
This agent creates personalized sales emails by automatically pulling information from a website.
Agents works with all 7,000+ apps available on Zapier. See all apps.
An experimental AI workspace where you can teach agents to work across 7,000+ apps.
Over a decade ago, Zapier launched with a simple idea that computers should do more work for you.
Today, over 2.2 million businesses use Zapier to automate 2 billion tasks every month.
Agents puts you in the driver's seat to automate even more work with the help of your friendly AI agents.
Zapier agents work across 7,000+ apps, even when you're away.