Email by Zapier + Zapier Chrome extension

Send emails from a Google Chrome extension

Emailing yourself some text is one of the simplest ways to keep from forgetting things. But it can take a while, having to open your email app and send yourself a new message. Zapier's Chrome extension can speed things up. Just set up this Zap, and enter your email address in the email field. Then, whenever you want to send yourself an email, just click the Zap in the Zapier extension, enter the text, and Zapier will then email it straight to your inbox!

Emailing yourself some text is one of the simplest ways to keep from forgetting things. But it can take a while, having to open your email app and send yourself a new message. Zapier's Chrome extension can speed things up. Just set up this Zap, and enter your email address in the email field. Then, whenever you want to send yourself an email, just click the Zap in the Zapier extension, enter the text, and Zapier will then email it straight to your inbox!

  1. When this happens...
    Zapier Chrome extensionZapier Chrome extension
    New Push

    When you trigger this Zap from the Zapier Chrome extension, by default it will include the website’s title, URL, timestamp, and who triggered the Zap. You can add additional Input Fields if you’d like to include more information.

  2. automatically do this!
    Email by ZapierEmail by Zapier
    Send Outbound Email

    Send up to 5 emails per day on Free or Trial Zapier plans, or up to 10 emails per hour on paid Zapier plans from a custom address.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

email logo
email logo

About Email by Zapier

Send and receive email via a custom Zapier email address at "". This is great for triggering off of emails and sending custom emails. (Max of 10 email sends per hour.) Have direct access to your own email servers? Check out our IMAP and SMTP services!
Learn more

Related categories

  • Email
  • Zapier
zapier-chrome-extension logo
zapier-chrome-extension logo

About Zapier Chrome extension

Run workflows right from your browser. Include the URL & Title of the current page or add fields to include any other data you want to use in your Zap.

Related categories

  • Notifications
  • Productivity
  • Zapier