Turn new emails in Email Parser by Zapier into deals in Salestrekker
Effortlessly manage new leads and deals with this workflow that connects Email Parser by Zapier to Salestrekker. When a new email is received and parsed, the information is directly transferred into Salestrekker, creating a new deal. Save time on manual data entry and ensure every detail is captured, so you can focus on closing sales and building relationships with your clients.
Effortlessly manage new leads and deals with this workflow that connects Email Parser by Zapier to Salestrekker. When a new email is received and parsed, the information is directly transferred into Salestrekker, creating a new deal. Save time on manual data entry and ensure every detail is captured, so you can focus on closing sales and building relationships with your clients.
- When this happens...New Email
Triggers when a mailbox gets a new email. Don't forget to set up your parser mailboxes at https://parser.zapier.com/.
- automatically do this!Create New Deal
Creates a new Deal.
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