
Datacruit ATS + SMTP by Zapier

Send email updates with SMTP by Zapier for new or updated hiring process statuses in Datacruit ATS

Stay on top of your hiring process with an efficient workflow. Whenever a status change occurs in the hiring process within Datacruit ATS, this workflow will instantly respond by sending an email through SMTP by Zapier. It not only streamlines communication but also ensures no updates are missed in a fast-paced recruitment scenario. Perfectly suited for HR teams and recruiters, it saves time and enhances productivity.

Stay on top of your hiring process with an efficient workflow. Whenever a status change occurs in the hiring process within Datacruit ATS, this workflow will instantly respond by sending an email through SMTP by Zapier. It not only streamlines communication but also ensures no updates are missed in a fast-paced recruitment scenario. Perfectly suited for HR teams and recruiters, it saves time and enhances productivity.

  1. When this happens...
    Datacruit ATSDatacruit ATS
    New/Updated Status in Hiring Process

    Triggers when a new status in hiring process is created or changed

  2. automatically do this!
    SMTP by ZapierSMTP by Zapier
    Send Email

    Sends a plaintext email from a specific SMTP server.

Start free with email
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Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
    • FirstnameRequired

    • LastnameRequired

    • Source IDRequired

    • Note

    • Email

    • Phone

    • LinkedIn

    • From Name

    • From EmailRequired

    • Reply To

    • ToRequired

    • Cc

    • Bcc

    • SubjectRequired

    • BodyRequired

    • HTML Body

    • Attachment

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About Datacruit ATS

Datacruit ATS - Intuitive recruitment software for easy communication with candidates and managers

Related categories

  • HR Talent & Recruitment
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About SMTP by Zapier

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is an Internet standard for email transmission available in Microsoft, Google and Yahoo! products among millions of mail servers worldwide. Check our IMAP service as well!

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