Commerce Layer + Email by Zapier

Send outbound emails with Email by Zapier when new shipment events occur in Commerce Layer

Stay on top of your shipment updates with Commerce Layer and Email by Zapier. This workflow initiates when there's a new shipment event in Commerce Layer, prompting an outbound email to be sent from your Email by Zapier account. This efficient system allows you to communicate crucial updates, ensuring seamless coordination with your customers or team members.

Stay on top of your shipment updates with Commerce Layer and Email by Zapier. This workflow initiates when there's a new shipment event in Commerce Layer, prompting an outbound email to be sent from your Email by Zapier account. This efficient system allows you to communicate crucial updates, ensuring seamless coordination with your customers or team members.

  1. When this happens...
    Commerce LayerCommerce Layer
    New Shipment Event

    Triggers when a given shipment event (one of upcoming, cancel, on_hold, picking, packing, ready_to_ship, ship is fired).

  2. automatically do this!
    Email by ZapierEmail by Zapier
    Send Outbound Email

    Send up to 5 emails per day on Free or Trial Zapier plans, or up to 10 emails per hour on paid Zapier plans from a custom address.

Start free with email
Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions