Boardon + Schedule by Zapier

Create new employees in Boardon every month using Schedule by Zapier

Automate your monthly HR tasks with this streamlined workflow. Every month, as dictated by your schedule in Zapier, a new employee record is created in Boardon. This seamless process reduces manual data entry and ensures your Boardon records stay updated consistently. This integration, serving as a reliable digital HR assistant, saves time and makes employee onboarding more efficient.

Automate your monthly HR tasks with this streamlined workflow. Every month, as dictated by your schedule in Zapier, a new employee record is created in Boardon. This seamless process reduces manual data entry and ensures your Boardon records stay updated consistently. This integration, serving as a reliable digital HR assistant, saves time and makes employee onboarding more efficient.

  1. When this happens...
    Schedule by ZapierSchedule by Zapier
    Every Month

    Triggers every month, on the day(s) selected.

  2. automatically do this!
    Create Employee

    Creates a new Employee

Start free with email
Start free with email
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Supported triggers and actions

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About Boardon

Boardon is a preboarding tool that enables you to create a great introduction for new employees

Related categories

  • HR Talent & Recruitment
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About Schedule by Zapier

Schedule is a native Zapier app you can use for recurring tasks. Trigger an action every day of the month, every day of the week or every single day. You can also select the hour of the day. If you're a developer, this is similar to a crontab, cronjob or cron.
Learn more

Related categories

  • Scheduling & Booking
  • Zapier