
Google Chat + Time etc

Create Google Chat messages for new Time etc comments

Stay updated on comments from your Time etc projects and easily share them with your team using this workflow. When a new comment is added in Time etc, a message is automatically created in Google Chat, keeping everyone in the loop. Simplify communication and save time by streamlining notifications between Time etc and Google Chat with this seamless automation.

Stay updated on comments from your Time etc projects and easily share them with your team using this workflow. When a new comment is added in Time etc, a message is automatically created in Google Chat, keeping everyone in the loop. Simplify communication and save time by streamlining notifications between Time etc and Google Chat with this seamless automation.

  1. When this happens...
    Time etcTime etc
    New Comment

    Triggers when a new comment is posted by your assistant.

  2. automatically do this!
    Google ChatGoogle Chat
    Create Message

    Create a message in Hangouts Chat.

Start free with email
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
  • Time etc triggers, actions, and search

    Completed Task

    Triggers when a task has been marked as complete by your assistant.

    Try It
    • TitleRequired

    • DescriptionRequired

    • Assign toRequired

google-chat logo
google-chat logo

About Google Chat

Google Chat is a communication software developed by Google built for teams that provides direct messages and team chat rooms, along with a group messaging function that allows Google Drive content sharing.

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  • Google
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About Time etc

Time etc is a leading Virtual Assistant service helping thousands of entrepreneurs to do more, earn more and achieve more.

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