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"Openers" daily check-in with manager via SMS and phone call

You have the Restaurant or any Business "Opener", the first person that shows up, one of the Key employees, because he needs to turn On the oven, Prepare the store, allow deliveries in, there's a long list of responsibilities that ties, any business owner and manager to the 'Opener", by using Zapier, it's easy texting the number of the 'Opener" at the time agreed upon, for them to be on location, they are also trained ( the 'Openers') to receive a text and REPLY within 3 minutes. When you apply this automation, if they don't reply "Yes", it will trigger a phone call and a text message to the desired number, preferably the GM or Owner, to start fixing the issue and call back up, for the day to go well. I hope that helps the restaurant industry! Walid wenzerfy.

walid ouenzerficreated by walid ouenzerfi
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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This Zap works in 5 steps

  • 2.5 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 86 people use this app pairing

This Zap uses the following 5 apps

  • Google Calendar logo
  • SMS by Zapier logo

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