ScheduleCLIAPI@1.5.5 logoZapierLoopingCLIAPI@1.2.6 logoStorageCLIAPI@1.2.1 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoZapierFormatterCLIAPI@1.0.5 logoMicrosoftOutlookCLIAPI@2.1.2 logoZapierFormatterCLIAPI@1.0.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoTableCLIAPI@1.16.5 logoSMSCLIAPI@1.0.3 logo

Liste de courtier envoyé tout les lundis 8h30 -

Envoyé 10 Courtier a appelé a partir d'une liste de courtier importé dans "Tables" a un certain nombre de Email(spécifié dans le looping) a tout les lundi 8h30

Nikolaos Dussaultcreated by Nikolaos Dussault
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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  • 9 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 162 people use this app pairing

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