HubSpotCLIAPI@1.10.2 logoHubSpotCLIAPI@1.10.2 logoGoogleMailV2CLIAPI@1.1.12 logoDelayCLIAPI@1.0.4 logoHubSpotCLIAPI@1.10.2 logoFilterAPI logoGoogleMailV2CLIAPI@1.1.12 logoDelayCLIAPI@1.0.4 logoHubSpotCLIAPI@1.10.2 logoFilterAPI logoGoogleMailV2CLIAPI@1.1.12 logo

Follow Up Mails Brochure BvD

Anytime a new contact property change is created in HubSpot, find contact in HubSpot, send email in Gmail, etc.

Niels Alingcreated by Niels Aling
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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Trusted at companies large and small

This Zap works in 11 steps

  • 5.5 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 2 people use this zap