FacebookLeadsCLIAPI@1.1.5 logoZapierLeadInformationCLIAPI@1.0.2 logoSalesforceCLIAPI@2.20.0 logoAICLIAPI@3.0.1 logoGoogleMailV2CLIAPI@1.1.12 logo

MagicMart (Alex Tang, Varun Jiandani, Jon Deming)

Anytime a new lead is created in Facebook Lead Ads, find person and company information in Lead Score by Zapier, create record in Salesforce, create an email template with AI by Zapier, and send the email via Gmail.

Jon Demingcreated by Jon Deming
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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This Zap works in 5 steps

  • 2.5 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 6910 people use this app pairing

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