ScheduleCLIAPI@1.5.3 logoDelayAPI logoGoogleSheetsV2API logoZapierFormatterCLIAPI@1.0.4 logoNotionCLIAPI@2.6.2 logoNotionCLIAPI@2.6.2 logoNotionCLIAPI@2.6.2 logoDelayAPI logoSMSAPI logo

Update SPX closing price in Notion for today's trade (1:15pm PST)

- Automatically populating the "Closing Price" field with the actual SPX closing price (at 1:15pm PST) - Automatically sending you a text message at 1:15pm PST letting you know whether you landed inside vs outside and what your P/L was for the day

Kayden Resselcreated by Kayden Ressel
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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  • 4.5 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 159 people use this app pairing

This Zap uses the following 6 apps

  • Schedule by Zapier logo
  • Delay by Zapier logo

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