ScheduleCLIAPI@1.5.5 logoStorageCLIAPI@1.2.1 logoGoogleSheetsV2API logoSmallImprovementsCLIAPI@2.8.0 logoFilterAPI logoStorageCLIAPI@1.2.1 logo

[Manager Zap] Add weekly thoughtful question talking points to team's 1:1s

This manager-only Zap is designed to trigger every Saturday at noon, and increments a value in Zapier Storage by 1. It uses that value to look up a row in a Google Sheet and a corresponding thoughtful question. It then adds that question to the next 1:1 for all of the manager's direct reports. Since there are currently 19 questions in our sheet, once the value gets to 19, the Zap will reset the value back to 0. Link to our Google Sheet: Feel free to copy the sheet, modify the questions, or use your own source.

Dara Hashemicreated by Dara Hashemi

This Zap uses a private app.

This means the developers of this app haven’t completed our full quality assurance steps. Zapier has limited details on this app and as a result can’t offer support for it. If you have questions about this app, please contact the person who gave you access to this Zap.
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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This Zap works in 6 steps

  • 3 minutes to set up
  • Get back 0.2 hrs /week
  • 3 people use this zap

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