DanceStudioProCLIAPI@1.1.0 logoGoogleSheetsV2API logo

DanceStudio-Pro Class Dropped → Google Sheets

Anytime a student is dropped from a class in DanceStudio-Pro, it will create a spreadsheet row in Google Sheets.

DSP Supportcreated by DSP Support

This Zap uses a private app.

This means the developers of this app haven’t completed our full quality assurance steps. Zapier has limited details on this app and as a result can’t offer support for it. If you have questions about this app, please contact the person who gave you access to this Zap.
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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This Zap works in 2 steps

  • 1 minute to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 3 people use this zap

This Zap uses the following 2 apps

  • Dance Studio Pro logo
  • Google Sheets (Legacy) logo

Dance Studio Pro + Google Sheets (Legacy)

Check out all the other ways you can connect Dance Studio Pro and Google Sheets (Legacy).
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