HubSpotCLIAPI@1.8.2 logoDelayAPI logoFilterAPI logoTeamworkProjectsCLIAPI@1.1.9 logoTeamworkProjectsCLIAPI@1.1.9 logoTeamworkProjectsCLIAPI@1.1.9 logo

Create a Teamwork Project Based on Line Items on HubSpot Deals

Anytime a deal reaches Closed Won, this Zap will create a company in Teamwork, then create a project and associate the company in Teamwork, add the proper people to the project, add task lists based on the line item purchased, and populate other deal information onto the project. This does require creating a custom property on the deal and creating a workflow that will select which products on a multi-checkbox were purchased based on the line-items on the deal.

Mandy Thompsoncreated by Mandy Thompson
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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  • 3 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 30 people use this app pairing

This Zap uses the following 4 apps

  • HubSpot logo
  • Delay by Zapier logo

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