GoogleDocsV2API logoFilterAPI logoZapierFormatterCLIAPI@1.0.4 logoLevityCLIAPI@2.0.4 logoFilterAPI logoZapierFormatterCLIAPI@1.0.4 logoHubSpotCLIAPI@1.8.2 logoHubSpotCLIAPI@1.8.2 logoLevityCLIAPI@2.0.4 logoGoogleMailV2API logo

Create a summary from Google Meet transcripts, note the contact in Hubspot, and create a follow-up email

Once a transcript is recorded in Google Meets, strip out the HTML, summarize the transcript into key points, lookup the contact in Hubspot and add the summary to their notes, and create a draft email summarizing the call, ready to be sent to the contact.

Gero Keilcreated by Gero Keil
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
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  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 19 people use this zap

This Zap uses the following 6 apps

  • Google Docs logo
  • Filter by Zapier logo

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