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Loomly: App of the day

By Hannah Herman · August 27, 2020
Hero image for app of the day with the Loomly logo on a green background

Social media management got you feeling gloomy? Maybe it's time to get Loomly.

Loomly is a brand success platform that empowers marketing teams to grow successful brands online through collaboration, publishing, and analytics features.

With Loomly, you can manage all your social media content (both organic posts and paid advertising) from one platform. Whether you're a fan of a traditional calendar or more of a list type of person, you can customize your Loomly view to see the broad scope of your social content in a digestible way. Plus, the app can send you a notification—by email, push, or in your favorite chat app—every time someone on your team updates or comments on a piece of content.

But Loomly does a lot more than just let you schedule social media content. Stuck for content ideas? Don't worry. Loomly serves up timely post ideas based on trending topics, RSS feeds, date-related events, and social media best practices. You can also draw upon your Loomly library for inspiration. The library is a great way to store re-usable assets like photos, videos, and post templates.

And you don't have to manage your social media presence alone. With Loomly, it's easy to collaborate with your team to create the most eye-catching, engaging content. Just use collaborative review and approval workflow, with end-to-end post and ad history, to iterate on content ideas.

Finally, Loomly helps you crack the analytics code with features that make it easy to track content performance. You can measure account, post, and URL performance, use data filtering and period comparison to dig even deeper, and even see analytics for posts you didn't publish through Loomly.

Everyone's on social media these days, but not everyone's good at it. And the people who are good at it probably use Loomly.

You can automate your marketing with Zapier's Loomly integrations. Here are a few popular workflows to get you started.

Share published podcast with Loomly

Share published podcast with Loomly
  • Podcast.co logo
  • Loomly logo
Podcast.co + Loomly

Upload Dropbox files for newly added Loomly library items

Upload Dropbox files for newly added Loomly library items
  • Loomly logo
  • Dropbox logo
Loomly + Dropbox

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