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4 Reddit automation ideas

How to automate your Reddit workflows with Zapier

By Nicole Replogle · December 5, 2023
The logo for Reddit in a large white square connected by dotted lines to the logos for Slack, WordPress, and Google Sheets, all in separate, smaller white squares.

Where else can you do everything from discussing intricate Minecraft builds, recommending lawn care services in your area, and diving deep into obscure scientific theories—but Reddit?

The popular social sharing site boasts more than 70 million daily unique views and 100 thousand active communities, and it's growing every day. Not only is Reddit an extremely popular platform for personal use, but it's quickly becoming a great way to market a brand.

Whether you use Reddit for fun or business, keeping up with the platform on your own can be tough. Automated workflows (we call them Zaps) can help you save time and stay on top of your mentions without spending hours on Reddit every day. Below, we've gathered a few of the best ways to automate Reddit with Zapier.

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Table of contents

  • Send notifications from Reddit

  • Create Reddit posts from an RSS feed 

  • Cross-post between social accounts

  • Connect Reddit with Google Sheets

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Send notifications from Reddit

Since more and more people are using Reddit to improve their search results, you'll want to stay on top of your or your brand's mentions. But logging into Reddit daily may not be practical. And if your brand is big enough, checking Reddit even once a day may not be enough to catch potentially viral conversations. 

With automation, you can send notifications to your most-used communication tools whenever you're mentioned on Reddit. That way, you and your team can track conversations around your brand. (Or if you just want to update your friends about your popularity on Reddit, you can do that, too).

These integrations update your team by sending direct or channel messages in Slack or Discord whenever new Reddit content matching your parameters is detected. 

Send Discord channel messages for new hot posts in Reddit subreddits

Send Discord channel messages for new hot posts in Reddit subreddits
  • Reddit logo
  • Discord logo
Reddit + Discord

Send Slack direct messages for new Reddit posts and comments matching your search

Send Slack direct messages for new Reddit posts and comments matching your search
  • Reddit logo
  • Slack logo
Reddit + Slack

Send channel messages in Discord for new posts or comments matching searches in Reddit

Send channel messages in Discord for new posts or comments matching searches in Reddit
  • Reddit logo
  • Discord logo
Reddit + Discord

Get Slack messages for posts in Reddit

Get Slack messages for posts in Reddit
  • Reddit logo
  • Slack logo
Reddit + Slack

Send Discord channel messages for new Reddit comments by user

Send Discord channel messages for new Reddit comments by user
  • Reddit logo
  • Discord logo
Reddit + Discord

Or, if you'd rather receive notifications the old-fashioned way, try one of these Zaps. Whenever a new post or comment matching your specifications appears on Reddit, you or your chosen recipients will receive an email automatically. 

Send emails through Gmail for new Reddit posts or comments matching a search term

Send emails through Gmail for new Reddit posts or comments matching a search term
  • Reddit logo
  • Gmail logo
Reddit + Gmail

Get Email Notifications of Reddit Mentions

Get Email Notifications of Reddit Mentions
  • Reddit logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
Reddit + Email by Zapier

Create Reddit posts from an RSS feed 

Another way to save time is to send content directly to Reddit from RSS feeds. For instance, maybe you have a vegan food blog, and part of your promotion strategy is to post links to new recipes in the r/PlantBasedDiet subreddit. Or maybe you just want to stay engaged with your community by sharing content from your favorite websites.

With these Zaps, new items in your chosen RSS feeds will be posted directly to your subreddit of choice. That way, you can keep your Reddit promotion strategy up to date without any extra work on your end. 

Post links in Reddit for new feed items

Post links in Reddit for new feed items
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Reddit logo
RSS by Zapier + Reddit

Create Reddit link posts for new items in multiple rss feeds

Create Reddit link posts for new items in multiple rss feeds
  • RSS by Zapier logo
  • Reddit logo
RSS by Zapier + Reddit

Cross-post between social accounts

If social media is more your speed than an RSS feed, you can automate that connection, too. Save yourself some time by creating new Reddit content from social posts (and vice versa).

From social accounts to Reddit

If you have a robust social strategy, staying on top of content generation for multiple platforms can be a full-time job. You might post regularly on apps like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube—and there's not much time left for Reddit. But why not cross-post from your other channels? After all, you spend all that effort creating new content for Instagram or YouTube, so let it pull double duty as Reddit content. 

Cross-posting to Reddit can also boost views and engagement on those original platforms by notifying Redditors of content that might interest them on your blog or YouTube channel. 

No matter your cross-posting strategy, these Zaps can help. With these automated workflows, a new link post will appear automatically on Reddit when you post new content to your Ghost or WordPress blog, YouTube channel, Facebook page, or Instagram account. You'll get more out of each social post without manually double-posting.

Post new Reddit links for every new YouTube channel video

Post new Reddit links for every new YouTube channel video
  • YouTube logo
  • Reddit logo
YouTube + Reddit

Create Reddit link posts for new Instagram media

Create Reddit link posts for new Instagram media
  • Instagram logo
  • Reddit logo
Instagram + Reddit

Share New Ghost Posts on Reddit

Share New Ghost Posts on Reddit
  • Ghost logo
  • Reddit logo
Ghost + Reddit

Share new WordPress posts on Reddit

Share new WordPress posts on Reddit
  • WordPress logo
  • Reddit logo
WordPress + Reddit

Create Reddit link posts from new Facebook Pages posts

Create Reddit link posts from new Facebook Pages posts
  • Facebook Pages logo
  • Reddit logo
Facebook Pages + Reddit

Share new YouTube videos in a Reddit link post

Share new YouTube videos in a Reddit link post
  • YouTube logo
  • Reddit logo
YouTube + Reddit

From Reddit to social accounts

Or maybe you're an avid Reddit user who wants to share trending content with your Facebook audience. By cross-posting from your subreddit to your Facebook page, you can expand the conversation and reach a wider community.

These Zaps automatically create a new photo or page post on your Facebook page whenever there's a new hot post in your chosen subreddit. It's much easier to build a following on Facebook when you regularly post fresh, interesting content—and creating an automated posting pipeline from Reddit takes a lot of the work out of your hands.

Create Facebook Page photos for new hot posts in Reddit subreddits

Create Facebook Page photos for new hot posts in Reddit subreddits
  • Reddit logo
  • Facebook Pages logo
Reddit + Facebook Pages

Send hot Reddit posts to Facebook Pages

Send hot Reddit posts to Facebook Pages
  • Reddit logo
  • Facebook Pages logo
Reddit + Facebook Pages

Connect Reddit with Google Sheets

Reddit moves fast, and new content is always coming—which is great for users but a little overwhelming if you're looking for something specific. Maybe you're trying to track your brand's performance on Reddit or just want to compile a reliable archive of posts or comments matching your search terms. 

Either way, there's no better format than a spreadsheet for compiling and organizing information. But trying to keep a Google Sheet updated manually just isn't sustainable.

Thankfully, spreadsheets and automation were practically made for each other. These Zaps trigger anytime there's a new hot post in a specific subreddit or a new post (or comment) matching a specific search. Anytime a new post matching your chosen trigger appears, these workflows create a new, detailed spreadsheet row in Google Sheets for your later review.

Add new rows on Google Sheets for new posts or comments matching search terms on Reddit

Add new rows on Google Sheets for new posts or comments matching search terms on Reddit
  • Reddit logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Reddit + Google Sheets

Create rows in Google Sheets for new hot posts in subReddit on Reddit

Create rows in Google Sheets for new hot posts in subReddit on Reddit
  • Reddit logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Reddit + Google Sheets

Save time and engage more by automating Reddit

Reddit is a great place for advice, interesting discussions, and getting lost down a rabbit hole for hours at a time. But given the sheer number of daily posts and discussions, it can be hard to track your mentions or keep up with the conversations you care about.

Thankfully, automation lets you connect Reddit to your other most-used platforms and apps. Easily send notifications, create posts from an RSS feed, cross-post from other social platforms, and track your Reddit data—and more!—with Zapier.

And this is just the start of what you can do with Reddit and Zapier. What will you automate first?

Related reading:

  • How to use social media automation to promote your content

  • How to automatically write social media posts with AI and Zapier

  • Popular workflows to better manage your brand's social media

This article was originally published in July 2021, written by Krystina Martinez. It was most recently updated by Nicole Replogle in December 2023.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'