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Demio: App of the day

By Hannah Herman · September 24, 2020
Hero image for app of the day with the Demio logo on a green background

If you want to host an event in 2020, webinars are just about your only option. While they're often not a perfect substitute for an in-person event, they can come pretty close. So it's worth choosing a tool that makes your webinars easy to join and enjoy—and even easier to host.

Demio is a simple way to host live Q&A sessions, workshops, online trainings, and more—right from your browser. Hosting a webinar is as easy as clicking the green Add new event button. Just select an event type (Standard, Series, or Automated), set a title, and then you can start scheduling sessions for that event. Standard events allow people to choose an individual live, scheduled session upon registration, whereas Series events are great for keeping people registered across a group of live, scheduled sessions. And Automated events are similar to Standard events but with pre-recorded sessions and on-demand availability.

Demio can also help you find and attract webinar attendees. Click the Customize tab to edit and customize your event, and use the Share tab to promote it. The Insights tab shows all analytics and people data for your event. With these features, you can edit the page description, upload a new logo, insert a welcome video, and embed a signup form or pop-up on your website.

Want to share materials with your webinar attendees? The Materials feature has you covered. You can upload and share your presentation and other files during your webinar, whether it's PowerPoint or Keynote slides or a ZIP file of exercise materials. Demio will automatically turn slides into PDFs so your attendees can view them in-browser during the webinar.

Demio also helps ensure that your webinar will go off without a hitch. Before the event starts, the app will walk you through a quick checklist to ensure everything runs smoothly. Your session will be on standby so that administrators can join the room, prepare things like handouts, polls, featured actions and chat, and then go live to their audience.

Webinars don't have to be stressful or awkward, and Demio is a great tool for creating and delivering a smooth and positive experience for both you and your audience members.

You can automate your webinars with Zapier's Demio integrations. Here are a few popular workflows to get you started.

Add new PayPal customers as registrants to a Demio webinar event

Add new PayPal customers as registrants to a Demio webinar event
  • PayPal logo
  • Demio logo
PayPal + Demio

Add new Stripe customers as registrants to a Demio webinar event

Add new Stripe customers as registrants to a Demio webinar event
  • Stripe logo
  • Demio logo
Stripe + Demio

Send a Gmail email when someone Registers for a webinar in Demio

Send a Gmail email when someone Registers for a webinar in Demio
  • Demio logo
  • Gmail logo
Demio + Gmail

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