TypeformCLIAPI@1.0.33 logoBoondManagerCLIAPI@2.0.5 logoBoondManagerCLIAPI@2.0.5 logoBoondManagerCLIAPI@2.0.5 logo

Use Typeform to help your candidates creation in BoondManager

You need to stay flexible in the way you gather information from your candidates? You need to create a simple TypeForm poll to gather it's information the way you need it AND you want it to be automatically uploaded in BoondManager? You need to synchronised your "Hiring" page from your website with BoondManager and you don't know how to do? This Zap is made for you!

Loïc Lambertcreated by Loïc Lambert
How Zapier works (57 sec)
How Zapier works (57 sec)
Try this Zap FREE for 14 days

Trusted at companies large and small

This Zap works in 4 steps

  • 2 minutes to set up
  • Get back 1.2 hrs /week
  • 13 people use this zap

This Zap uses the following 2 apps

  • Typeform logo
  • BoondManager logo

Typeform + BoondManager

Check out all the other ways you can connect Typeform and BoondManager.
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