Maximize your Meta ads performance with Zapier
Unlock powerful targeting insights and connect with your customers like never before using Conversions API.
Maximize your Meta ads performance with Zapier
Unlock powerful targeting insights and connect with your customers like never before using Conversions API.
Zapier is trusted by over 2.2 million companies worldwide
Connect Meta with any of your apps
Zapier supports 7,000+ apps, so you can integrate with any of your favorites to supercharge your ad performance and drive better ROI.
Data privacy that puts you in control
Our data privacy and compliance practices ensure your data is always protected and handled with care. By upholding stringent standards and allowing you to manage your data policies, you can have complete confidence in your operations' security and compliance.
Safeguarding your data
Zapier uses the latest encryption methods to protect your data. Zapier web application communications are encrypted over TLS 1.2, and all data is encrypted at rest using AES-256 encryption.
Upholding standards of excellence
We strongly adhere to GDPR and CCPA compliance standards. That way, you can have peace of mind knowing we're upholding the highest security standards.
You control your data
We provide flexible data management options so you can customize data retention and deletion policies to fit your business needs and regulatory requirements.
Ready to maximize your Meta ads ROI?
The tools are in your hands. Start using Zapier with Meta’s Conversions API today to unlock the full potential of your ad campaigns.
Ready to maximize your Meta ads ROI?
The tools are in your hands. Start using Zapier with Meta’s Conversions API today to unlock the full potential of your ad campaigns.