Build AI-powered workflows with OpenAI and Zapier
Connect OpenAI to thousands of apps on Zapier to combine the power of AI with the flexibility of automation.
Automate OpenAI to create powerful AI workflows
Together, Zapier and OpenAI provide an easy and powerful way to integrate AI into your daily workflows and unlock new possibilities for your business. (Don't believe us? ChatGPT wrote most of this page.)
Automate OpenAI to create powerful AI workflows
Together, Zapier and OpenAI provide an easy and powerful way to integrate AI into your daily workflows and unlock new possibilities for your business. (Don't believe us? ChatGPT wrote most of this page.)
Add AI to your business-critical workflows
AI isn't here to replace your team—it's here to make your team even more effective. Unlock the full potential of AI by connecting it to your existing tech stack.
Send AI-powered notifications to your team
Whenever you get a new lead, Zapier will send it to OpenAI, which will recommend next steps based on the lead's information—then it will send the summary to Slack for your team to review. It all happens within seconds.
How to use OpenAI's GPT-3 to spark content ideas
How to use OpenAI to add acceptance criteria to product issues
How to use OpenAI's GPT-3 to write business emails
See how AI and automation can work together to supercharge your workflows