
Smoove + NeverBounce + Filter by Zapier

Verify Smoove subscriber email addresses with NeverBounce

Move Smoove subscribers with invalid email addresses to your “Unsubscribed” list with NeverBounce. Whenever a new subscriber is added in your Smoove account, NeverBounce examines whether the email address used to subscribe is valid. Once a result code — valid, invalid, disposable, catch-all, unknown — is returned for the subscriber’s email address, all invalid, disposable, or unknown addresses are moved to the “Unsubscribed” list in your Smoove account.

Move Smoove subscribers with invalid email addresses to your “Unsubscribed” list with NeverBounce. Whenever a new subscriber is added in your Smoove account, NeverBounce examines whether the email address used to subscribe is valid. Once a result code — valid, invalid, disposable, catch-all, unknown — is returned for the subscriber’s email address, all invalid, disposable, or unknown addresses are moved to the “Unsubscribed” list in your Smoove account.

  1. When this happens...
    New Subscriber

    Triggers when a new subscriber is added.

  2. automatically do this...
    Verify Email Address

    Verifies an email address.

  3. then do this...
    Filter by ZapierFilter by Zapier
    Only continue if...

    Set up rules to specify when this Zap can continue running.

  4. then do this!

    Moves the subscriber to the "Unsubscribed" list.

Start free with email
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  • 14 day trial for premium features & apps

Supported triggers and actions

What does this mean?
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About Smoove

Smoove is an all-in-one tool for marketing processes, including email and SMS marketing, landing page creation, marketing automation, and more.
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  • Marketing Automation

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About NeverBounce

NeverBounce is an email verification service that improves deliverability and helps businesses adhere to strict deliverability guidelines.

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About Filter by Zapier

Only allow a Zap to proceed when a certain condition is met. For example, if you're sending a text message when you receive a new email, you could use a Filter that only sends a text message when the email received is from a certain address.

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