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Customer.io: App of the day

By Hannah Herman · August 25, 2020
Hero image for app of the day with the Customer.io logo on a green background

When's the last time you got a marketing email that you totally ignored? Chances are the answer is about five minutes ago, when you dragged that email advertising Croc knock-offs into the Trash folder.

If you run your own business, you don't want that to happen to the email you worked so hard to create. You want people to actually read them, and, more importantly, make a purchase.

Customer.io is designed to help you do just that: Get real results from your marketing. With Customer.io, you can send targeted emails, push notifications, and SMS to lower churn, create stronger relationships, and drive subscriptions. More than just the messages and how you'll send them, Customer.io keeps the focus on your goals to make sure you're reaching them.

It all starts with your customer data. You can either import your customer data into Customer.io, set up a JavaScript snippet in your site to collect it, or add Customer.io API to your app to gather it. Now you have granular information about what pages each customer visits, what products they've bought, and more, which is the first step towards better, more targeted marketing.

You can then use that data to segment your audience, which makes it easy to match your message to who you're trying to target. Triggered workflows allow you to send messages to customers when they meet certain conditions, such as looking at your pricing page or signing up. You can send these segments emails, push notifications (via Urban Airship), Lob-powered postcards, Twilio-powered SMS messages, or webhook notifications to do an action in dozens of other apps.

But the real magic happens when you combine these conditional steps. For example, your workflow might wait three days after someone visits the pricing page—and if they still haven't made a purchase, send them a reminder email. Customer.io also makes it simple to create the perfect emails. You can even A/B test different versions and specify which segments should receive which emails.

Customer.io is a great choice if you're obsessed with optimizing your email marketing results. And let's be honest—who isn't?

You can automate your marketing with Zapier's Customer.io integrations. Here are a few popular workflows to get you started.

Send new leads from Facebook Lead Ads to a Customer.io workspace

Send new leads from Facebook Lead Ads to a Customer.io workspace
  • Facebook Lead Ads logo
  • Customer.io logo
Facebook Lead Ads + Customer.io

Add new Unbounce submissions to a Customer.io workspace

Add new Unbounce submissions to a Customer.io workspace
  • Unbounce logo
  • Customer.io logo
Unbounce + Customer.io

Use new rows from Google Sheets to create or update customers in Customer.io

Use new rows from Google Sheets to create or update customers in Customer.io
  • Google Sheets logo
  • Customer.io logo
Google Sheets + Customer.io

New to Zapier? It's a tool that helps anyone connect apps and automate workflows—without any complicated code. Sign up for free to use Customer.io with Zapier.

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'