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5 ways to automate Jotform with Zapier

By Wren Noble · October 31, 2023
JotForms logo connecting to the logos for HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Google Calendar.

Form apps like Jotform make websites way more useful. They can help you collect payment info, receive purchase orders, solicit feedback and opinions from customers, and even simply add interested leads to your email subscription lists.

But what happens to all that valuable information once the form is submitted? You need to organize your data, add subscribers to CRMs and email campaign accounts, and follow up with folks. Automation makes all of those tasks significantly easier. 

When you connect Jotform to your other business-critical tools with Zapier's automated workflows, you can instantly follow up on form responses at scale. Here's how.

New to Zapier? It's workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

Table of contents

  • Track Jotform submissions in a spreadsheet

  • Send notifications where you need them

  • Connect Jotform with your project management tool

  • Keep track of contacts and subscribers

  • Use webhooks with Jotform

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Track Jotform submissions in a spreadsheet

Manual data entry is slow, boring, and often prone to typos—and a successful Jotform could bring in a massive amount of data. 

Adding new Jotform submissions to a spreadsheet, instead of keeping them in the app, makes it easier to share results with colleagues. It also creates a backup and centralized database where you can sort, calculate, and analyze that data more effectively. 

Put your data where you need it by setting up one of these Zaps.

Save new JotForm responses as Google Sheets rows

Save new JotForm responses as Google Sheets rows
  • Jotform logo
  • Google Sheets logo
Jotform + Google Sheets

Add new Jotform submissions to Excel spreadsheet rows

Add new Jotform submissions to Excel spreadsheet rows
  • Jotform logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Jotform + Microsoft Excel

Add new Jotform submissions to Excel as rows in a table

Add new Jotform submissions to Excel as rows in a table
  • Jotform logo
  • Microsoft Excel logo
Jotform + Microsoft Excel

Archive new Jotform submissions in Airtable

Archive new Jotform submissions in Airtable
  • Jotform logo
  • Airtable logo
Jotform + Airtable

Update records in Zapier Tables when new submissions happen in Jotform

Update records in Zapier Tables when new submissions happen in Jotform
  • Jotform logo
  • Zapier Tables logo
Jotform + Zapier Tables

Send notifications where you need them

Sometimes, you absolutely need to know when a new form submission comes through. But it can be easy to miss a Jotform entry when you're busy with other work. Create automations to bring your notifications to you in whatever format works best for your workflow.

You can send emails to all the stakeholders in a specific project when a form gets a new entry. Or, if your team is working in Slack or Discord, you can have certain notifications sent to the appropriate channel for follow up. This helps you follow up more quickly and stay informed of what's going on.

Send emails via Gmail for new JotForm submissions

Send emails via Gmail for new JotForm submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Gmail logo
Jotform + Gmail

Send an email when there is a new JotForm submission

Send an email when there is a new JotForm submission
  • Jotform logo
  • Email by Zapier logo
Jotform + Email by Zapier

Send channel messages on Discord for new JotForm submissions

Send channel messages on Discord for new JotForm submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Discord logo
Jotform + Discord

If you want immediate personal notifications, you can even use Twilio to send you an SMS message directly to your phone.

Get notified of Jotform submissions with a Twilio SMS message

Get notified of Jotform submissions with a Twilio SMS message
  • Jotform logo
  • Twilio logo
Jotform + Twilio

Connect Jotform with your project management tool

Most forms require some sort of follow-up action from you or others across your team and company. For even more effective follow-up, connect Jotform to your project management tool with automation. 

Keep your team informed and organized by adding database items in Notion, tasks in ClickUp, or cards in Trello. Never miss following up on an important lead or analyzing a valuable bit of feedback. With these workflows, assigning tasks is easy and automatic.

Create Trello cards from new Jotform submissions

Create Trello cards from new Jotform submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Trello logo
Jotform + Trello

Add new Jotform submissions to Asana as tasks

Add new Jotform submissions to Asana as tasks
  • Jotform logo
  • Asana logo
Jotform + Asana

Create database items in Notion for new Jotform submissions

Create database items in Notion for new Jotform submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Notion logo
Jotform + Notion

Create ClickUp tasks for new submissions in Jotform

Create ClickUp tasks for new submissions in Jotform
  • Jotform logo
  • ClickUp logo
Jotform + ClickUp

Create new items in monday.com from new Jotform submissions

Create new items in monday.com from new Jotform submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • monday.com logo
Jotform + monday.com

Keep track of contacts and subscribers

Every person who reaches out to you through Jotform is an opportunity. And you want to jump on that opportunity as quickly as possible.

When you connect your forms to your marketing tools, subscribers and leads are added the minute they submit the form instead of having to wait for your next batch import. You can even update existing contacts when you receive new contact information for them.

When someone subscribes to an email list, you can create a Zap to instantly add them to your email marketing software. If a lead reaches out for a demo, their contact info can go straight into your Google Contacts, where you can add context and more effectively arrange follow-up.

Your contact lists are some of the most valuable data you have. Keep them more organized with automation.

Add Google Contacts from new Jotform form submissions

Add Google Contacts from new Jotform form submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Google Contacts logo
Jotform + Google Contacts

Add ActiveCampaign contacts from new Jotform submissions

Add ActiveCampaign contacts from new Jotform submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • ActiveCampaign logo
Jotform + ActiveCampaign

Add new Jotform submissions to a Mailchimp list

Add new Jotform submissions to a Mailchimp list
  • Jotform logo
  • Mailchimp logo
Jotform + Mailchimp

Add Klaviyo subscribers for new submissions in Jotform

Add Klaviyo subscribers for new submissions in Jotform
  • Jotform logo
  • Klaviyo logo
Jotform + Klaviyo

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Jotform submissions

Add or update LeadConnector contacts from new Jotform submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • LeadConnector logo
Jotform + LeadConnector

Add new Jotform form respondents as subscriber tags on ConvertKit

Add new Jotform form respondents as subscriber tags on ConvertKit
  • Jotform logo
  • ConvertKit logo
Jotform + ConvertKit

Create Brevo subscribers from new Jotform entries

Create Brevo subscribers from new Jotform entries
  • Jotform logo
  • Brevo logo
Jotform + Brevo

Use webhooks with Jotform

If you can't find the integration you need in Zapier's App Directory or you want more customization options than what are available with an existing integration, webhooks might be the answer. 

You can use webhooks to send info to or from another app that connects with Zapier. Here's a popular way to integrate webhooks with Jotform:

Send webhook POST requests for new JotForm submissions

Send webhook POST requests for new JotForm submissions
  • Jotform logo
  • Webhooks by Zapier logo
Jotform + Webhooks by Zapier

Upgrade Jotform with automation

This is just the start of all that you can do with Jotform and Zapier. Zapier supports thousands of apps, so you automate almost any task at work. Start building your Zap now and see what you can create.

This article was originally published in February 2021, written by Elena Alston. It was most recently updated in October 2023 by Wren Noble.

Related reading:

  • 5 advanced ways to automate your forms and surveys

  • Follow up on contact forms faster with automation

  • Automatically answer form responses with OpenAI and Zapier

  • How to connect Jotform to Salesforce and automatically send leads to your CRM

  • How to automatically save Jotform responses in Google Sheets

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'