
Jamie Irish

Jamie Irish is a freelancer based wherever chai lattes are sold. When not writing, you can find them writing (fiction), writing (music), or writing (poetry).

Jamie Irish

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Automate your work with Zapier

More from Jamie
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App tips

The 13 Free Slack Apps That Will Make Your Team Even More Productive

Slack is a natural hub for many businesses, thanks to its powerful chat tools—but chat alone isn't enough to get things done.

By Jamie Irish

11 min read

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App tips

How to Quickly Learn Essential Keyboard Shortcuts in Any Program

Keyboard shortcuts are simple commands that keep your fingers on your keyboard instead of jumping back and forth to your mouse.

By Jamie Irish

4 min read

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Automation inspiration

Ace College and Your Career with These 6 App Workflows

There’s no denying it—software and technology play a massive role in pretty much every industry. Yet even while software know-how is becoming a standard requirement for jobs, most colleges won't teach you even the basics of popular business software.

By Jamie Irish

6 min read

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Remote work tips

How to Work at a Coffee Shop Like a Pro

One of the best parts of remote work is the freedom to work from anywhere. For most of us, "anywhere" includes a lot of time spent at the local coffee shop.

By Jamie Irish

6 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'